Giving to Meet the Mission

PUR International Campaigns


Support for Princeton Family

Wednesday morning, February 7th came to be the worst day of their lives. It was the moment they discovered their 7 month old baby boy lifeless in bed. He had passed away by accidental suffocation. Kobe Princeton was the happiest little baby, who enjoyed cuddles and kisses. He was very curious and observant of his surroundings. His bright smile would light up the room when he would hear the voices of his loved ones. His little laugh was so contagious as he would crack up at the silly things his big brother would do. He was very patient and calm with the sweetest disposition. Jacoby and Savannah are wonderful parents who doted over him and cared deeply for him. This sudden, tragic death has rocked this whole family to it's core. The trauma Savannah and Jacoby have experienced from this sudden incident has kept them from being able to function and work to provide for their family as the deep grief has overtaken them. We know all too well, as many of you do too, how paralyzing trauma like this can be. We all need an army at times. Please do what you can through prayer and finances for Jacoby, Savannah and family! We are asking for your help for all the expenses and struggles from this tragedy as they grieve. As. Always, we’ll match up to $5000.

Raised: $ 920

Serve The Server: Ben Cannon Family Support

I don’t handle losing well. It sticks with me forever. One of my earliest losses I remember was in 2nd grade. I lost the finals of the geography bee to a 6th grader. The tiebreaker question. I can still see the face of that 6th grader and I still feel the sting of that loss. That “6th grader” was Ben. I look at these pictures and know that now I’m going to see that face, and it’ll be a different loss. Sometimes feeling like an insurmountable loss…. Especially for his family. Ben is the kind of guy that lived to serve, always! I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in a situation where he could help that he didn’t freely volunteer. Ben served in the National Guard. He served in the navy. He served on a nuclear sub. He served his 8 children. He served his community and HE SERVED GOD. Please take the opportunity to find a way to continue that serving heart. Let’s help take some of the financial burden off of Ben’s children. Let’s serve Ben! We love you and thank you for being “The Light”. Ricky and Becca Waitman Obituary -

Raised: $ 27,030

Support for Kayla Weber & Children

Williston, ND
On October 22nd, 2022, Calvin Weber, age 37 was taken home to heaven. Calvin was kind and gentle in nature, always willing to help anyone out whether he knew them or not. He was a devoted husband and father to his wife Kayla and two children, Lola (7) and Lane (5). He enjoyed watching football, hanging out with family and friends, attending sporting events for his kids, nieces and nephews and drinking Diet Coke --- lots of Diet Coke. Calvin's legacy is one of humble service, deep love for family, and compassion for others. Our hope is in Jesus knowing that we will see Calvin again. Until that day, he will be deeply missed. _____ Here is another opportunity to step up and help stop the collateral suffering. For those that don't know, Finn's Army, was created because we became excruciatingly aware of the perpetual pain that is created in these times of tragedy. The thief wants to expand the hurt as deep and far as he can. What he didn't count on was the army that God has put here to step in. Please join in that mission. Kayla and Calvin were friends of ours. Rebecca had coached with Kayla and their family lived in the first house that was our home. At a bare minimum, we want to step in any "BUY" time for Kayla, Lola and Lane to be together and grieve. To have time to spend healing their hearts. Please step into this opportunity! We love you! Ricky and Becca

100% Funded
Raised: $ 22,585
Goal: $ 15,000

Support For the Burton Family

Is it possible to die of a broken heart? ABSOLUTELY. We had a campaign a few months for a tragic accident in Tishomingo, OK. Blue was involved in this accident. Although he in no way was responsible for what had happened, his compassion and empathy really had left him with a broken heart. Blue is an amazing man that didn’t deserve the situation life threw at him. Finn’s army is established to try to help stop the perpetual hurt that happens through these tragic situations. Please join with us to try to help stop the cycle! Stop the thief in his tracks. Thank you in advance. Ricky Waitman #Finnsarmy Pur Compassion _____ On October 3rd, 2022, the Burton family lost their father and husband, Blue. Blue was a proud father and grandfather who loved God and showed his faith in all circumstances, setting a great example for his boys. He always had a smile on his face and was always more than willing to help anyone in a time of need. Blue loved fast cars and big motors, and spent countless hours working on trucks with the boys. He drove semi-trucks as a trade and still yet had a passion for traveling. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife, Sarah Burton and three sons, Wesley Burton and wife Lindsey, Crook Burton and Cutter Burton and his girlfriend Mackenzie, as well as grandchildren, Dallie and Madelyn. Please join us in raising funds for the Burton family as they deal with this unexpected loss and the path here forward.

3% Funded
Raised: $ 550
Goal: $ 15,000

Solar Panel System needed in Haiti

Take a moment to google Haiti. Read the news headlines. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Haiti is currently listed as one of the most dangerous countries on Earth. Don't get me wrong, Haiti is amazing. Most Haitians are beautiful, amazing, loving people. The percentage that aren't, are crippling the country. We have a partner outside of Port-au-Prince that is providing incredible opportunities for Haitians. Farmer John's is a butcher shop & processing center that gives Haitians a place to sell their livestock, to buy inexpensive meat and provides necessary, clean meat to NGO's around the country. It's one of the only (IF NOT THE ONLY) sanitary butcher shop in Haiti. If you read the headlines, the volatility in Haiti has surpassed any level of sustainability. Fuel prices are unreachable. Roadblocks and violence make delivering meat borderline impossible. Access to supplies (especially fuel) is extremely limited. Farmer John's is saving lives. No question. In order to keep operating, we need to install a solar panel system to keep their coolers running and to limit fuel consumption so we can save the limited fuel reserves for emergencies (which seem to be weekly). Please partner with us to try to make a difference in the lives of these beautiful Haitians that seem to never catch a break. Life is a constant battle there and this is an opportunity to save lives, continue income sources for them and to help keep NGO's in operation in the country. We're personally involved at a big level and would love support from anyone that can! The whole project is around $300,000. An amazing family has already covered $200,000 of that. They understand the need! Please consider joining us in this fight! Ricky and Becca #Finnsarmy

16% Funded
Raised: $ 16,100
Goal: $ 100,000

Ellen Jackson Family Support

Denver, Colorado
The world lost an incredible young lady on June 5, 2022. Julie Ellen (Ellen) Jackson and her dad Brian were traveling home from a club volleyball tournament when they were in a horrible car accident and Ellen tragically passed away. Anyone who knew Ellen thought of her as a blessing. God's light shined through that beautiful girl. She made everyone’s day better and everyone’s life better. Ellen approached everything in life with a smile and a positive attitude. If she ever had a bad day, no one would ever know it. She found the good in everyone and every situation. She could light up a room with her infectious smile. She was a gift to all those around her. Ellen is a triplet, and her earthly absence will be missed tremendously by her loving family Brian, Kim, Lucy, and Aubrey. She will also be missed immensely by her club and high school volleyball teams, her band, school, and church family! Some words used to describe Ellen are: Christ-Like, Kind, Compassionate, Loving, Strong, Fearless, Positive, Encouraging, Uplifting, Happy, Hardworking, Never complained. Tenacious, Courageous, Smart, Driven, Determined, Supportive, Thorough (she never did anything halfway), Dedicated, Talented, Fierce, Generous, Uplifting, Energetic, Sweet, Confident, Resilient, Compassionate, Diligent, Considerate, Precious, Pure, Patient, Friendly, Loving, Selfless, Ambitious. Ellen was planning on attending college to study to be a pharmacist. She loved helping others. Please join us in raising money to offset the expenses of this tragic event for the Jackson Family. _______ 1 Peter 5: 8-9 “Remember that your family of believers all around the world are going through the same suffering as you are”. This reminder is as heartbreaking as it is comforting. It’s comforting because it reminds us that we aren’t alone in our suffering. It’s not an attack just on us. It’s heartbreaking because we know the road that the people “in the suffering” are walking down. We know the hurt. This campaign is for another volleyball family here in the Denver area. They’re going through what we started going through 6 months ago. It’s tough to describe the strength that comes from knowing that there is an army of people around you that care. Jehovah Nissi means, The Lord God is my Banner. It comes from the Old Testament. The Israelites were fighting the Amelekites. When Moses would lift his staff in the air, the Israelites would lead the battle. If he dropped his arms, they would start losing. Moses’s brother and a friend came to Moses’s side and helped hold his arms in the air. Keeping the staff up and allowing the Israelites to win the battle. Moses had an army to help him. Please come beside this family and help them win this battle. Thank you and we love you! Ricky #Finn’s Army PUR Compassion

93% Funded
Raised: $ 46,825
Goal: $ 50,000

Vivoblue filters for Ukraine

We along with our partner groups are hoping for 100,000 filters for Ukraine. We need donations, but also connections. Billions have been given to “Ukrainian aid” and water is number one when it comes to survival. We need to find connections to tap into that aid to use it for good and where needed most. Every filter system is $65 and includes a three year filter, water bag, a bottle of prenatal vitamins/vitamins and a Ukrainian New Testament (if wanted). We know that the distress in Ukraine and surrounding areas continues and we as Pur International hope to enter it with hope. has additional resources and descriptions of their vivoblu filters.

Raised: $ 100

Funeral Costs for 6 families whose lives are forever changed from one horrible collision.

Tishomingo, OK
My heart is breaking all over again tonight. Grief and loss is so easily reignited. Last night, Rebecca and I sat down and watched Footloose. The movie starts off with a tragic car accident killing a group of high school kids on their way home from a dance. The movie is a true story from Elmore City, OK. The community was forever impacted. After losing Finn in an accident in November, even watching that scene made our stomachs turn. I just heard from my cousins in Tishomingo, OK… A mere 60 miles from where Footloose’s sad story was based on, a new, community changing, accident has happened. Six local high school girls, around 16 years old, were on their way home from lunch and ended up colliding with a semi. None of them survived. It’s an incredibly heartbreaking accident. These families need our help! This is an extremely fresh situation and lots of info hasn’t been released. Tishomingo is a small, rural Oklahoman town where everyone knows everyone and everyone cares about everyone. This is going to be hard. If you want additional info, just google Tishomingo. My uncle, Bobby Waitman, is the superintendent in Tish. For now, we’re trying to raise enough money to cover the funeral costs for all of the families involved. It’s a lofty goal but we have a few people/families that have committed to matching funds. Having gone through this so recently, I know how important it is to be able to focus on the grieving. If we can give some dollars to help these families get some space to grieve, it’s money well spent. Just that time is life changing. Please think about joining us. As usual, every dollar raised will be going directly to the families and split between them. This is just a start. Thank you for sacrificing to help others! “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I come to give life abundant!” #stopthethief #finnsarmy

Raised: $ 40,665

Shining a light during dark times in Ukraine

Our mission statement at PUR is 'caring for orphans and widows during their time of need'. Now is 100% that time for millions fleeing Ukraine. Anna is like a daughter to one of our partners and founders of PUR. She’ll be heading to Poland this weekend. She’ll be living there indefinitely to help refugees coming across the border. 100% of what’s given will go directly to aiding people fleeing, 50% of who are kids. Not many opportunities to give can commit all of the funds to the need. This is a great way to help. Please read Anna’s goal below and let’s send her over with some extra resources! We’d like people to get behind Anna and give some monthly support to go towards this mission! ---------- Hello, my name is Anna. I am Ukrainian (I live in the US now), and much of my family and friends live in Ukraine. I will be traveling to Poland to help support the refugees leaving Ukraine due to the Russian invasion. I want to support in any way I can, including: - Helping provide food, clothing, shelter, and emotional support to those in need - Coordinating families to find somewhere to stay or coordinating their travel to other countries. - Helping to coordinating shipments with first aid supplies from United States that will go to Ukraine. - Putting a smile on anyone’s face that I can - Anything else that comes up for those directly affected! I will use any funds raised here to help in these efforts. It will be used directly to those in need of support. Thanks for caring!

Raised: $ 6,350

Finn's Army

As many campaigns as I've written, I never thought I'd be typing the words out for my own family. For those that don't have all the details, The Waitman Family was in a car accident on November 20th. Rebecca was pretty banged up. Broken ribs and quite a few bumps and bruises. Israel has a collapsed lung and pretty severe emotional trauma. Ireland and Finn were both Life Flighted from Glendive, MT to Denver. Ireland has a broken humerus, a shattered ankle, a concussion and she'll be in a wheelchair for a few months but praise God, she will fully recover. Finn had a devastating head injury. The trauma staff at Swedish Hospital was amazing and did everything they could but my "mini me" was pronounced dead on November 22nd. Although his spirit was gone and his brain was dead, the rest of his body was as perfect as always. Through being an organ donor, he'll be able to save the lives of at least 8 people. We just heard that Finn's heart is going to a 6 year old boy here in the midwest! Finn has always been a warrior. His mission was to love people and show people Jesus. He lived every moment fully to the best of his ability. We are going to take this devastation and repurpose it into drive, vigor and devotion by adding "Finn's Army" to PUR International's service. I can't say exactly what this is going to look like yet because we truthfully aren't sure. I know God is working something big. His word says that the Thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but I come that you may have life and life ABUNDANTLY! I believe that part of this new mission is going to be making sure that families, that the thief is trying to break, are lifted up and realizing the abundance that God has for them. That the goodness of God drowns out any evil thing that the thug is trying to cook up. We're going to use this campaign as an initial tool but we'll be moving this into a process well beyond current needs. God only knows the bills (for us personally) that are coming from the surgeries, life flights, ICU's but the real need will be supporting this army for the future. This will be expensive! Please pray for the Waitman Family, also for the recipients that are going to be getting beautiful pieces of Finn. Please consider how you fit into Finn's Army now and in the future. We're going to need partners financially, physically and prayerfully. We're knocked down right now but we're excited about this second half that is coming. We love you all.

Raised: $ 194,321

Bailey Mann

Bailey is a 17 year old senior in a small Midwest town. She is a member of the high school drill team and one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet! Her life shattered very recently when her mother was killed by her father who then took the life of another and then himself. She lost her whole world in a single second. She is the youngest of 3 children, and the baby of the family to her two brothers. One brother lives and works nearby but the rest of her family is thousands of miles away. She has been left to put the pieces of her life back together. There are so many unexpected costs and things that need to be done. Bailey no longer has the security of her parents to help her along the way. She has many difficult decisions to make. We humbly ask for your help in putting the pieces back together to help her move forward. Her family is pulling together to lift her up but there is much to do, and all of it is overwhelming. Any funds raised will go toward immediate expenses related to Jennifer’s passing, and the remainder will go toward ensuring Bailey’s future is bright.

Raised: $ 4,040

Giving HOPE-FOOD among the CHAOS!

Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Help us join together to help Guanacaste, Costa Rica families and businesses to produce meals and support for all that are struggling with no employment and financial hardship during the COVID-19 crisis. This area of Costa Rica is 99% dependent on Tourism. With the whole world shut down, their livelihoods are shut down. These are hard working, loving people that had the rug pulled out from under them. Sharky's will be joined by several other restaurants in the area to use its kitchen and staff to cook-prepare meals to deliver to as many people as possible. We'll be implementing this process with respect to the recommended social distancing and health standards set by local governments. In addition to pre-prepared food, we will also be working with other organizations to deliver pantry and other essential items to those in need. We need your help to keep these families fed during this time of crisis. WE NEED LOTS OF HELP TO IMPLEMENT. Those of you in the area that are interested in this initiative or know someone who can help, please contact via text or whatsapp only to 8729-8274 #TamarindoStrong #DoMoreBeMore Thanks for caring!

Raised: $ 3,400

Costa Rica Youth Center: It takes a village to #DoMoreBeMore.

Costa Rica
PUR has partnered with Sharky’s and RPM in Tamarindo to create a space to help mentor local and expat youth to expect more out of life. When I say “expect” I mean for them to expect to do more with their life. Not to get more! These kids are developing into men and women with an attitude of service. Our goal is to change the paradigm. Have youth that primarily focus on other people! Ashley is the key to this outreach. Hear from Ashley below! Our monthly budget is $5,000. We have a great facility but it’s currently $2,000/month. We’re working on getting that down but until then, we need additional people to step up! Thanks for joining us in this adventure!!!

Raised: $ 5,660

Support PUR International

Williston, ND
We have so many fantastic projects/campaigns going on at PUR that it may be difficult to choose which need is most important! By supporting PUR International directly, we’re able to determine what is the greatest need currently and apply your donation there. Donating to PUR International allows us to continue to provide tax deductible donations to those in need without holding back any financing fees. It also helps fund our counseling programs. Without your help, we couldn’t do what we do!

Raised: $ 118,118